
A number one song can be a perfect storm of lyrical and musical genius coming together to create a uniquely special moment of excellence. And yet, often times, the individual elements that make up a top hit are not quite the sum of their parts.

Here at The Breakdown testing site, words are removed and isolated from the songs they've been assigned to. This allotment of dialogue is then subjugated to a rigorous series of independent tests in order to determine just how great/awful, creative/inane, and remarkable/pointless it truly is.

Do the lyrics of a number one tune stand, or fall, on their own?

Let's find out.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Donovan "Sunshine Superman"

*****Number One, September, 1966*****

A short time ago, I encountered a chart topper that I had never knowingly heard before.  It contained references to a Diddy(?), some Jagger Swagger, and a whole slew of crunky po-po.  It was divine.

At that point, it seemed probable that this sort of incident would be very rare.  Based on the number ones that were being doled out by the NOPR, it appeared likely that I'd be at least moderately familiar with each weekly release.  Perhaps it would be years before finding another unknown gem.

Or, you know, weeks.

And, apparently, not many at that.

Seems I was extremely naive in my expectations this past September.  Pretty much just a blog neanderthal (blogderthal?) in the woods, rooting around in the mud for barely relevant images to steal and post with impunity.  So much has changed since then!

Ok, nothing has changed.  

Thus, unexpectantly, here we are again, standing face-to-face with a never-heard number one.  I have to admit that I'm excited to again greet something that has been completely off my radar.  The music world is a big place, and I'm getting off my beathen path (gross) once more.

And, just like last time, I'm entering the fray utterly empty-handed.  No information about the artist nor their music have been yanked from the wilds of the internets.  I'm just a boy, sitting here, ready to learn about a girl.  Er, song.  And a boy.  Or a girl.  Wait, is Donovan a boy or a girl?

According to the 1st google image result, he's a Paul Westerberg

Alright, we've got that settled.  I guess.  Now, let's dig into the song itself.

As with the majesty that was "Tik Tok", we're pseudo-live blogging the lyrics.  I will carefully, with great integrity and furious focus, grab just a part of the song at a time.  Each time I do the ol' copy/paste combo will be the very first instance I see the wordlings of this top hit.  Then, just as with the Ke$ha kerfuffle, I'll follow up each line from the tune with my immediate reaction.

Without further ado, let's hear, uh, I mean read, some Number One Donovan stylings!

"Sunshine Superman"
  • "Sunshine came softly through my a-window today"
    • Ok, sunshine, check.  Always nice to take care of things early on.  Don't wait until the last moment to get the title in, I always say (I never say that).
  • "Could've tripped out easy a-but I've a-changed my ways"
    • Right, I'll refrain from a snap judgement about your meaning and just ask about those ways.  Do those ways include a lot of extra "a's"?  Just a-wondering.
  • "It'll take time, I know it but in a while you're gonna be mine, I know it, we'll do it in style"
    • Seems you know several things.  Apparently. 
  • "Cause I made my mind up you're gonna be mine"
    • Again, you know things.  Got it.  
Hmm, alright.  Well not a terribly exciting start.  I was hoping we'd have seen the introduction of Superman already.  Or, at least one of his incompetent villains.  Where's that one guy?  Zuckerberg?  I think that's his name, though I might be getting my films confused.

At any rate, let's go bulk mode on stanza two.  You haven't lost me yet, Donovan, but give me something.  Come on!
  • "I'll tell you right now / Any trick in the book now, baby, all that I can find / Everybody's hustlin' just to have a little scene / When I say we'll be cool I think you know what I mean / We stood on a beach at sunset, do you remember when? / I know a beach where, baby, a-it never ends / When you've made your mind up forever to be mine"
Yeah...drugs.  This indicates drugs.  A lot of them.  I just don't know what the hell is going on.  I'm very disappointed in this song so far.  You couldn't find one rhyme for Justice League?  Guh.  Alight mister deep thoughts, let's go to the next section.  Maybe you sobered up in time to pull something from the DC cannon.  Go on, give it a try.
  • "Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, / I'll pick up your hand and blow your little mind / ..."
Nope, it only gets worse.  Beyond these two ridiculous phrases, the rest of the third grouping randomly picks lines previously mumbled.  I just...I'm irrititated. 

Not solely cause he's clearly got a head full of zombie, nor due to the fact that he's kind of a dick to the girl he's singing to, but mainly because the damn druggy made me think of the Crash Test Dummies with all those "hmm's".  I'll have baritone in my dreams for weeks.  Thanks a bunch, ya hippie washout.

Let's just finish this, please.
  • "Superman or Green Lantern ain't got a-nothin' on me / ..."
I ...just...

Excuse me.

If there was ever, EVER, a real desire by any parent and/or politician to get kids off of drugs, you would read them that lyric above.

Adult - "Hey kids, Superman or Green Lantern ain't got a-nothin' on me.  Yipdipdeedoo, 23 skiddoo!"
Child - "Thank you sir, my innocence has just been lost.  I must now be a responsible human being from here on out and never, ever, not be fully sober and totally aware of my surroundings at all times."

Green F'n Lantern?!?!?!  Really?

Ok, sorry, I'll stop.


No, no, I apologize.  I'm having a rough week.  Work's been crazy busy, and then there was this thing with my shoe and the government.  The government!  So, so bad.  It's just, it's not your fault, gentle reader.  I'll try to keep calm.

<deeeeeeeeeeep breath>


You suck Donovan.


Are we done?

Yeah, we're done.

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